Regional Networks improving outcomes for stroke from their collective services

There are four regional groupings for stroke.

Each network group has a Clinical Chair (also a member of the NSN), project management support, a work program and elected members from each of the participating districts. All the regional groups report on a common set of regional indicators for stroke to the Te Whatu Ora and all follow a work-plan defined by their group to achieve improved outcomes for stroke from their collective services.

Northern Region Stroke Network Group
Northland, Waitemata, Auckland, Counties Manukau

Midland Stroke Network
Waikato, Bay of Plenty, Taranaki, Tairawhiti, Lakes

Central Region Stroke Network
Hawkes Bay, Mid Central, Hutt, Wairarapa, Whanganui, Capital & Coast

South Island Stroke Work Stream
Nelson Marlborough, Canterbury, West Coast, South Canterbury, Southern