Stroke Rehabilitation

Māori woman with child drawing at desk.
  • Self-management is defined as management of tasks that individuals must undertake to live with one or more chronic conditions.

    These tasks include medical and health management, role management and emotional management of their condition.

    Self-management aims to help stroke survivors address any lifestyle interventions necessary to reduce the risk of recurrence of stroke. Self-management also aims to help stroke survivors adopt strategies to manage changes in physical and cognitive ability, relationships, and their place of residence, and to better participate in the community.

    There are many types of self-management programs but common elements within them all include goal setting, action planning, problem-solving, forming a patient/professional relationship, involvement of family/carers, decision making and taking action.

    Taking Charge After Stroke (TaCAS) - This New Zealand based study was designed to be delivered early in the community phase of stroke rehabilitation and demonstrated improved health-related quality of life, independence and advanced activities of daily living 12 months after stroke. For more information and tools to implement this programme visit.

  • Self-management support can be summarised as the help given to people with long term conditions to enable them to manage their health on a day to day basis.

    Learn more

Stroke survivors are equipped to return to daily activities by receiving high quality and equitable rehabilitation.

Stroke is New Zealand's second single biggest killer and the leading cause of serious adult disability.  

People who have had a stroke should have timely access to high quality rehabilitation appropriate to their need and desired outcomes. Integrated care should be available that is whānau-centred, holistic and locally led that supports whānau to maximise their recovery, independence and overall quality of life after a stroke.

A Multi-disciplinary team (MDT) should work in partnership with the stroke survivor and those important to them to provide an equitable and high quality service.

New Zealand Stroke Rehabilitation: A Strategy provides best practice guidance based on recent published research and clinical guidelines to inform and guide efforts to improve the quality and outcomes of stroke rehabilitation for people with stroke and their families / whānau. The Strategy was developed by the National Stroke Network in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and the Stroke Foundation of NZ.
