South Island Stroke Work Stream

South Island stroke services are being coordinated by a team of Stroke Service clinicians and managers from the five South Island DHBs who are working together to improve the health outcomes for people who have experienced stroke, and to maximise their potential to lead a self-managing and independent life and reduce the recurrence of stroke.

The Stroke Services work stream is a part of the South Island Alliance and its members are focused on ensuring that improvements are made in the provision of acute and rehabilitation stroke services delivered in a consistent manner across the South Island.  

Their focus is on ensuring equitable, consistent acute and rehabilitation referral and management pathways are achieved across the region, and that South Island health professionals have good access to continuing education on acute and rehabilitation stroke management.

Find out more about the South Island Alliance here.

Network Chair
Dr John Fink

View the webinar: Gait Re-education (passcode 96=Cghb@)