A Strategy for Stroke Rehabilitation in New Zealand

The National Stroke Network in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and the Stroke Foundation of NZ commissioned a strategy to inform and guide efforts to improve the quality and outcomes of stroke rehabilitation for people with stroke and their families / whanāu.  The strategy has been written by stroke clinicians Dr Geoff Green and Dr Mohana Maddula and makes recommendations for the provision of best practice based on recent published research and clinical guidelines. 

New Zealand has not had a clearly defined, nationally agreed strategy for the provision and delivery of stroke rehabilitation services and the National Network is focusing on developing implementation guidance to enable DHBs to deliver an equitable and high quality service to people with stroke.

This document is a baseline for further development and the National Stroke Network welcomes comment / feedback by interested stakeholders. 


Allied Health Best Practice Guide for Telehealth


American Heart Association Stroke Educational Series