Resources for Health Professionals
The following resources have been developed by the National Stroke Network and its specialist working groups, clinical experts and research academics.
These resources are displayed in alphabetical order. The search button makes your search easier.
If you have resources to share that are designed for health professionals, please share these in an email
American Heart Association Stroke Educational Series
Understanding Stroke and the Care Continuum
Communication After Stroke
This website was created for Māori whānau who are affected by communication difficulties after stroke
Rehabilitation Information Graphics
Info graphics for a plan for stroke rehabilitation and recovery in NZ
New Zealand Stroke Rehabilitation: A Strategy
Recommendations for the provision of best practice
rehabilitation for stroke patients
Northern Region Stroke Rehabilitation Research
Northern Region Stroke Rehabilitation Research
Rehabilitation Services Specifications
Rehabilitation Services Specifications to guide provision of Inpatient and Community Rehabilitation.
Stroke Rehabilitation 2020
Recovery after a stroke can be a challenging and stressful journey.
Rehabilitation services need to be tailored to the needs of the individual and their whānau. This Action Plan for Stroke Rehabilitation sets out high-level practice recommendations and priorities for action by DHB stroke services, stroke teams and community stroke support organisations to improve outcomes and enhance the lives of New Zealanders recovering from stroke and the people who care for them. High-quality rehabilitation should be available and accessible to all who need it.
Stroke Rehabilitation Intensity Resources
Includes an Intensity Measurement Chart that can be downloaded and adapted. Useful for occasional audits of therapy provision.
Stroke Community Indicator (FAQs)
From 1 July 2019 the Ministry of Health in agreement with the National Stroke Network introduced a new indicator for community rehabilitation in stroke. During 2017-18 DHB stroke teams were asked to start collecting information for this indicator or identify what was still needed in order to streamline internal reporting processes so as to achieve national consistency.
Simply Stroke - Rehabilitation for stroke teams
A summary of recommendations for therapy teams from the 2010 NZ Guidelines for the Management of Stroke
Telehealth for Stroke Rehabilitation
Health professionals and academics across New Zealand and Australia have complied practical resources to help stroke teams implement TeleRehabilitation. These resources are designed to give clinicians practical advice and references for how to deliver the best care for people with stroke during COVID-19.
Upper Limb Resources for therapists
The resources below have been developed by a small group of New Zealand therapists and members of the Rehab Working Group to be used in conjunction with the internationally designed Via Therapy App which can be downloaded to your iphone, ipad or desktop by going to
Understanding 'who you are' and what is important to you in stroke rehabilitation
The aim of this study is to explore how health professionals get to know their patients and what is important to them during stroke rehabilitation, from the perspective of stroke survivors and their family/whānau.