Co-presented by Shirleyanne Brown and Lynelle Ngakuru
In this webinar we will discuss the process of how stroke survivors and their whānau shared their journey and ideas to assist in the redesign of NDHB Stroke Unit and Packages of Care. The engagement method gathered insights and experiences to brings about empathy of those who were consumers of the services. Empathy is a critical part of human-centered design. There are endless conversations about its importance in consumer experience work, but few focus on how to help others achieve it. When we experience a consumer’s struggle first hand, feel the frustration, and hear their words, we can’t help but empathize. 12 stroke survivors and 12 whānau and friends shared their powerful insights into their world of dramatic change, what worked well and what would make a positive difference in reorganising their life as stroke survivors.
Shirleyanne Brown
Ko Parihaka te maunga
Ko Hatea te awa
Ko Pehiāweri te marae
Ko Ngāti Hau te hapū
Ko Ngāpuhi te iwi
I am the Executive Director of Wotmatters Ltd and a passionate leader with over 20 years’ experience driving change through collaboration and partnerships, having successfully pioneered the implementation of significant health and social initiatives. With a proven background in building partnerships across diverse groups towards transformational results. Has a proven ability to motivate and nurture high-performing action focused teams. Skills in facilitation with the unique talent of bringing the best out of everyone in the room. I believe in co-planning, co-designing and co-decision-making solutions based on real people and real needs. I have a reputation of facilitating and leading individuals and organisations across multiple areas to develop pathways of transformation, strategy alignment, creativity and innovation. Taking you to sights beyond your imagination. He mea nui ko te aha ō a mātou mōhio. Engari, ko wai mātou te kaupapa kei runga. What we know matters but who we are matters more
Lynelle Ngakuru
Ko Ngātokimatāwhaorua te waka
Ko Kaikohe te whenua
Ko Puhimoanarīki te Marae
Ko Te Uri o Hua te hapū
Ko Ngapuhi te iwi
Ko Lynelle Ngakuru ahau
Ko te Community Stroke Advisor ahau mo te Stroke Foundation Aotearoa
I have worked within the health sector for over 25 years. My wairua and passion is for our people in the North. Working for Stroke Foundation NZ as Community Stroke Advisor has enabled me to build a foundation of support for our people through Whanaungatanga.
Ka nui te mihi, no reira, tena koutou katoa