Clinical approach to stroke in the young. Etiology, diagnostic work-up and management considerations
Dr. Csilla Manoczki is a Neurologist with a special interest in acute stroke, working at Te Whatu Ora - Capital, Coast and Hutt Valley, Wellington Regional Hospital. I completed my medical and specialty training in Hungary followed by fellowship at King’s College Hospital, and worked as a Stroke Consultant in the UK before moving to Aotearoa.
Danielle Greer is a former primary school teacher who, at 45 years of age experienced two TIAs and two strokes in quick succession. She was the mum of three young children at the time. Danielle didn’t go back to teaching after her strokes and has now been working for the Stroke Foundation for two years as a Community Stroke Advisor.
Don Scandrett is the General Manager of the Auckland and Northland regions for the Stroke Foundation of New Zealand. He has been in that role for just over ten years and is also on the executive of the Northern Region Stroke Network.
Dr. Csilla Manoczki
Neurologist (SMO)