Preventative approach to psychosocial care
Te Whatu Ora Whanganui’s acute and rehabilitation stroke service takes a preventative approach to psychosocial well-being. They endeavour to prevent psychosocial distress by identifying risks and issues and addressing these early. Whānau are considered a critical component in well-being and are invited to take part in care from the start of the person’s journey. All disciplines attend a rapid review each morning. In the rapid round, well-being is discussed, including staff observations of mood, eating and drinking, sleep and general engagement. Each patient has a holistic assessment during admission which also covers all of these areas. If concerns are raised during daily rounds or at any point during the person’s care, the team develop a plan to monitor and address issues. A psychologist runs
a weekly whānau session. The psychologist completes screening as required, and provides early intervention as needed.